Donations Needed:

We currently need:
Baby clothes, all sizes
Maternity clothes
Baby carriers
Diaper bags
Prenatal Vitamins

How does “Freely Given” work?

From various donors, we assemble a collection of items associated with pregnancy and motherhood—maternity and baby clothes, diapers, formula, bottles, etc… Then, we host “shopping days” where you can survey our collection and take whatever you need, up to a certain number of items. If any of the items you take can be re-donated to Freely Given when you are done with them, we ask that you do so to help those in need after you.

We also partner with a number of other organizations, providing you with referrals if you are seeking counseling, health care, employment, etc… And, of course, being a part of a Lutheran congregation, we are always ready to share pastoral care and a Gospel word with those who need them.

The Sanctity of Life

God’s eternal Son began His earthly life as an embryo. And when that embryo was a grown man, He shed His blood for the entire world, including those who were nothing more than a few cells in their mothers’ wombs.

For this reason, God never wants abortion to happen. And, as Christians, one of the greatest ways we can help keep our neighbor far from this temptation is by making pregnancy less frightening.

If you’re frightened that you don’t have the resources to care for the child in your womb or the children outside your womb, we’re here to help.

If you’re scared that you don’t know how to navigate this new part of your life, we’re here to help.

If you’re worried about judgment or rejection, we’re here with God’s word of mercy and hope, a word that no one can take away from you.

Christ loved you from your very beginning. He’ll love you to the end. That’s why we’re here.

Need Help?

Are you pregnant, or know someone who is pregnant? Providing for little ones can be overwhelming. We’d like to offer our help! Freely Given, a mission of Our Savior Lutheran Church, is a place for Moms and Moms-to-be to find some help gathering all the items that are needed for a new bundle of joy. We are open the second Saturday every month! We are located at 5101 Dell Range Boulevard Cheyenne, WY 82009. For more information, please call 307-632-2580