We’re glad that you are looking for more information about our congregation!

We always welcome visitors and have many points of contact to assist you.

At every service there is one elder and a couple ushers on duty to assist in addition to our already warm and helpful Pastors and members. Please feel free to ask them any questions or needs you may have.

What to Expect at a Worship Service

Children are welcome at every service. Activity bags are available, please ask an usher for where to find one!

No coat and tie required. If you have them and want to wear them, you are welcome to do so.

When our pastors enter the sanctuary, they will pray and welcome the congregation gathered for the service. They may also speak about the special occasion or theme of the lessons for that week of the Church Year.

We “share the peace” with one another at the beginning. Simply say “peace be with you” or “good morning” to those around you if you want.

Make sure to get a bulletin for the service, which easily fits inside the hymnal with a nice section outside to help guide the way through the liturgy of the hymnal. This bulletin also has contact information, some events for the week to come and news and announcements. There are a few large print bulletins for each service, as well as devices to help the hearing impaired.

You’ll see an attendance card, please fill out with as much info as you want. If you would like a phone call or email from one of the pastors during the following week, please write down your phone number or email address.

We use the hymnal, Lutheran Service Book, which is easy to follow and has new and old favorite hymns. Sing as loud (or softly) as you want.

You’ll hear three readings from Scripture — one from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament (Epistle; Gospel).

A brief children’s message for children is given. Parents are welcomed to go up with their children, if desired. These messages focus on teaching the Christian Faith in a simple way and can also be helpful to remind adults of what the Scriptures teach.

You’ll hear a sermon usually lasting 10–20 minutes. The sermons are based on one of the Scripture readings (usually the Gospel lesson).

An offering plate is passed around during the offering — place the attendance card in it and pass it to the next person. Both visitors and members give to the church as they are moved to do so. Members of the congregation take on the primary role of providing for the congregation and its pastors.

The Lord’s Supper is given to members who have undergone Christian baptism and have been instructed in the Christian faith as found in the Small Catechism. If you are a visitor, please talk to one of our pastors prior to the service. If you are interested in membership please indicate so on the Attendance Card and talk with a pastor or usher about membership classes leading to confirmation (Lutheranism Faith and Life classes).

You’ll hear some announcements by the pastors at the end of the service. These are highlighted things of importance for members of the congregation and could be helpful for you as well.  Visitors are never publicly spotlighted.

Please join us for coffee, juice, and a snack if possible (9:00 AM or so on Sundays). Ask for a tour! Ask about Sunday School and the many other opportunities for growth in the Christian Faith for all ages in our congregation.

We have many bible studies and interest groups that meet regularly- all are welcome to attend.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! May the Lord bless you and your time with us.