2023-24 Confirmation Class Resources and Announcements
Class begins on Sunday, September 10th at 3:00pm.
Recitation of memory work is done at 2:45pm.
Small Catechism Helps:
Small Catechism Posters for purchase
Teach These Things Curriculum (Pr. Scheer uses this in preparation for each week)
Large Catechism Online (helpful reading for parents)
Weekly Summary Sheets
Week 2: The Second and Third Commandments
Week 3: The Fourth Commandment
Week 5: The Fifth and Sixth Commandments
Week 6: The Seventh through Tenth Commandments
“Listening to Luther” links:
Online Bible:
English Standard Version Online
More Information on Luther’s Catechism Hymns
The Six Catechism Hymns of Martin Luther
The “Anti-Catechism” developed by Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller
Grappling with the Small Catechism YouTube Videos by Pr. Bryan Wolfmueller
History of the Ten Commandments
Ten Commandments “Consider your station”
Ten Commandments “Order of the Commandments”
Ten Commandments “Diagnostic Questions”
Ninth and Tenth Commandments (Small)
Ninth and Tenth Commandments (Large)
Close of the Commandments part 1
Close of the Commandments part 2
Connections between the Commandments
Memory Work Schedule (2023-2024)
9/17/23 First and Second Commandments
9/24/23 Third and Fourth Commandments
10/1/23 Fifth and Sixth Commandments
10/8/23 Seventh and Eighth Commandments
10/15/23 Ninth and Tenth Commandments
10/22/23 Close of the Commandments
10/29/23 First Article of the Creed
11/5/23 Second Article of the Creed
11/12/23 Third Article of the Creed
11/19/23 Lord’s Prayer Introduction, First Petition
11/26/23 Lord’s Prayer, Second and Third Petitions
12/3/23 Lord’s Prayer, Fouth Petition
12/10/23 Lord’s Prayer, Fifth and Sixth Petitions
12/17/23 Lord’s Prayer Seventh Petition and Conclusion
12/24/23 CATCH UP
12/31/23 CATCH UP
1/7/24 Holy Baptism, what is, which is that word
1/14/24 Holy Baptism, what benefit, which are these words
1/21/24 Holy Baptism, How can water
1/28/24 Holy Baptism, What does such baptizing indicate; where written
2/4/24 What is Confession; What sins should we confess
2/11/24 Which are these; what is the office of the keys
2/18/24 Where is this written; what do you believe according to these words
2/25/24 What is the Sacrament of the Altar; Where is this written
3/3/24 What is the benefit of eating/drinking
3/10/24 How can bodily eating drinking do such great things; Who receives the sacrament worthily
3/17/24 Morning/Evening Prayer
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